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首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 細胞培養 > DC-CIK治療細胞治療 > Stemcell_14166 StemSep 人嗜酸性粒細胞富集試劑盒 外周血(PMN)-rich嗜酸性粒細胞的分離

_14166 StemSep 人嗜酸性粒細胞富集試劑盒 外周血(PMN)-rich嗜酸性粒細胞的分離

規格型號:For 5 x 10e9 cells

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:Stemcell
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2021-11-23
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:1030

產(chǎn)品英文名稱(chēng):StemSep™ Human Eosinophil Enrichment Kit
產(chǎn)品中文名稱(chēng):StemSep™ 人嗜酸性粒細胞富集試劑盒


StemSep™ Human Eosinophil Enrichment Kit 產(chǎn)品英文描述
The StemSep™ Human Eosinophil Enrichment Kit is designed to isolate eosinophils from a polymorphonuclear (PMN)-rich cell fraction of human peripheral blood by negative selection. Unwanted cells are targeted for removal with Tetrameric Antibody Complexes recognizing CD2, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD56, glycophorin A and dextran-coated magnetic particles. Labeled cells are separated using StemSep™ columns and magnets.

StemSep™ 人嗜酸性粒細胞富集試劑盒產(chǎn)品組分
? StemSep™ Human Eosinophil Enrichment Cocktail, 2.0 mL (5 x 2.0 mL)
? StemSep™ Magnetic Colloid, 1.5 mL (4 x 1.5 mL)

StemSep™ Human Eosinophil Enrichment Kit *使用
The isolation of human eosinophils from a polymorphonuclear (PMN)-rich cell fraction of peripheral blood by negative selection

StemSep™ 人嗜酸性粒細胞富集試劑盒保存方法
StemSep® HumanEosinophil Enrichment Cocktail
Stable at 2 - 8°C for 2 years. Do not freeze. This product has been sterility tested.
StemSep® Magnetic Colloid
This product is shipped at room temperature. Once opened, stable at 2 - 8°C for 6 weeks. Stable at -20°C for 1 year. Repeated freezing and thawing is possible but not recommended. Vortex before re-freezing. This product has been sterility tested.
See Material Safety Data Sheet for more information.

StemSep™ Human Eosinophil Enrichment Kit 實(shí)驗資料

Starting with a polymorphonuclear cell suspension, the eosinophil content of the enriched fraction typically ranges from 95 - *.

StemSep™ 人嗜酸性粒細胞富集試劑盒相關(guān)產(chǎn)品訂購信息
Stemcell  07806  HetaSep™  For Isolating Human Nucleated Cells from Peripheral Blood 
Stemcell  11000  4 Channel Peristaltic Pump  StemSep™ Equipment 
Stemcell  11030  StemSep™ Red Magnet with Stand  Immunomagnetic Column-Based Magnet 
Stemcell  11050  StemSep™ Green Magnet with Stand  Immunomagnetic Column-Based Magnet 
StemSep™  11060  Blue Magnet with Stand  Immunomagnetic Column-Based Magnet
Stemcell  11070  StemSep™ Black Magnet with Stand  Immunomagnetic Column-Based Magnet       
For research use only. Not intended for human or animal diagnostic or therapeutic uses.

一切干細胞實(shí)驗耗材優(yōu)惠盡在華雅思創(chuàng )

2015年統統*,--一切活動(dòng)盡在上海華雅思創(chuàng )!


StemRD   MGro-500  MSC medium,chemically-defined,間充質(zhì)干細胞培養基 500mL/瓶

LONZA   04-418Q    X-VIVO 15 無(wú)血清培養基 1L/瓶

Life Technology   087-0112DK    AIM-V® CTS™ 無(wú)血清細胞培養基(細胞治療級) 1000mL/瓶

Pall   15950-017  Ultroser Serum Substitute 血清替代品 20mL/瓶

LONZA   12-725F   UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium無(wú)血清培養基 500mL/瓶

BD 762165   PAXgene Blood RNA Tube RNA樣本收集管 100管/盒

LONZA 50150   SeaKem® Gold Agarose 金瓊脂糖粉 125g/瓶

LONZA CC-3162   EGM-2 BulletKit( CC-3156 & CC-4176 )套裝 Kit/套

Nunc 159910   175cm2易用培養瓶,PS,已滅菌,瓶蓋:過(guò)濾蓋 30個(gè)/箱

LONZA LT07-318  MycoAlert® Mycoplasma Detection Kit支原體檢測試劑盒 100Tests/盒

LONZA   LT07-418 MycoAlert® Mycoplasma Detection Kit支原體檢測試劑盒 50Tests/盒

Lonza   50-650U   Kinetic-QCL 192 Test Kit內毒素檢測試劑盒   192T/盒

Corning   431080    175cm⒉細胞培養瓶,Angled頸,透氣蓋 50個(gè)/箱

Corning   8388  125mL儲液瓶 Storage Bottles,PS,45mm瓶頸,帶蓋,滅菌,獨立包裝 24個(gè)/箱

Corning   430659    2ml凍存管, 聚丙烯,外旋蓋, 可自立圓底 500個(gè)/箱

Corning   3290     75cm2 CellBIND Surface培養瓶,已滅菌,透氣蓋 100個(gè)/箱

Corning   3292     175cm2 CellBIND Surface培養瓶,已滅菌,透氣蓋 50個(gè)/箱

BD-Falcon   352360   Cell Strainer, 100µm, Yellow 100um細胞濾網(wǎng) 50個(gè)/箱

BD Falcon 352070 50mL錐形離心管,高透明度聚丙烯,袋裝 500支/箱

BD Falcon 352096 15mL錐形離心管,高透明度聚丙烯,袋裝 500支/箱

BD BioCoat 354234   Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix(標準型) 10mL/瓶

Cygnus   F550   CHO HCP ELISA Kit,3G宿主蛋白檢測試劑盒 96T/盒

Cygnus   F410   E.coli HCP ELISA Kit 大腸桿菌 96T/盒

Nalgene  5100-0001 Cryo 1℃ Freezing Container梯度降溫凍存盒 1個(gè)/箱

Nalgene    5026-0909   CryoBoxes 凍存盒 9X9 陣列,管瓶1.2/2.0mL   24個(gè)/箱

Nalgene   2250-0130 50L 可高溫高壓操作的細口大瓶(帶手柄)   1個(gè)/箱

Nalgene   2319-0050    20L 可高溫高壓滅菌的細口大瓶(帶放水口)    1個(gè)/箱

Hyclone  SH30084.03 FBS 優(yōu)等澳洲胎牛血清 500mL/瓶

PeproTech   100-18B-500   Recombinant Human FGF-basic (154 a.a.)因子 500ug/支

Parafilm PM-996   Parafilm® M Laboratory Film 封口膜 12卷/箱



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