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首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 細胞培養 > DC-CIK治療細胞治療 > Cygnus_Technologies F050 蛋白質(zhì) A ELISA kit

_Technologies F050 蛋白質(zhì) A ELISA kit

中國俗稱(chēng):蛋白質(zhì) A ELISA kit
中國簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng):蛋白質(zhì) A ELISA kit
生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家:Cygnus Technologies
保存溫度:2~8 ℃
規格型號:1 Kit

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:Cygnus
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2021-11-23
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:1133

產(chǎn)品英文名稱(chēng):Protein A ELISA kit
產(chǎn)品中文名稱(chēng):蛋白質(zhì) A ELISA 試劑盒



Protein A ELISA kit 的應用
本試劑盒是用于來(lái)自于自然(金黃色葡萄球菌)蛋白質(zhì)配體和大腸桿菌重組表達構建結構的定量測定。該試劑盒只用于研究和制造,不用于人類(lèi)或動(dòng)物的診斷應用。 Cygnus制造兩個(gè)其他蛋白質(zhì)的檢測試劑盒,貨號F050H和F400。F050H優(yōu)于F050產(chǎn)品抗體,當人類(lèi)或其他顯示干擾蛋白質(zhì)檢測的時(shí)候。我們 的新的蛋白試劑盒F400將超過(guò)前兩包的一些改進(jìn),旨在更好地發(fā)現新的蛋白質(zhì),如被GE衛生保健出售的不自然的MabSelect SuReTM配體。

Protein A ELISA kit 的英文描述
Protein A immobilized on various chromatography media is commonly used to purify antibodies. Even when covalently attached, Protein A can leach off of the chromatography support and co-elute with the antibody. For some applications such as the pharmaceutical use of the antibody, contamination with。Protein A must be minimized to avoid any adverse effects. There are several manufacturers of Protein A and Protein A chromatography supports. In addition to natural Protein A purified from S. aureus, there are also various recombinant constructs of Protein A typically expressed in E. coli. Some of these recombinant Protein A’s are essentially identical to natural Protein A. However, there are other unnatural recombinant constructs with very significant structural differences when compared to natural Protein A. GE Healthcare sells one such unnatural construct marketed as MabSelect SuRe TM. Because of the unique structure of MabSelect SuRe TM it is only about 20% reactive in our F050 and F050H kits. For this reason weoffer our newest Protein A kit, Cat # F400. That kit incorporates a new antibody as well as other changes allowing it to detect all forms of Protein A equally. Some product antibodies when complexed with the leached Protein A can interfere in the detection of Protein A when using the F050 kit. Like our F050H kit, Cat # F400 also utilizes a sample treatment step involving acid dissociation and heat denaturation to overcome any interference from product immunoglobulin. The Cygnus Technologies’ Protein A ELISA kits are designed to detect Protein A contamination to less than one part per million. As such, these kits can be used as a tool to aid in optimal purification process development and in routine quality control of in-process streams as well as final product.

蛋白質(zhì) A ELISA 試劑盒的使用步驟規則
The Protein A assay is a two-site immunoenzymetric assay. Samples containing Protein A are reacted in microtiter strips coated with a polyclonal anti-Protein A capture antibody. A second biotinylated Monoclonal anti-Protein A antibody is reacted forming a sandwich complex of solid phase antibody-Protein A-biotinylated antibody. After a wash step to remove any unbound reactants, the strips are then reacted with Streptavidin labeled with Alkaline Phosphatase enzyme which will bind to any of the biotinylated antibody bound to the strip. After another wash step to remove unbound Streptavidin: alkaline phosphatase, the plates are then reacted with pnitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) substrate. The amount of hydrolyzed substrate is read on a microtiter plate reader and is directly proportional to the concentration of Protein A present. Accurate quantitation is achieved by comparing the signal of unknowns to Protein A standards assayed at the same time.

Protein A ELISA kit 的保存和穩定性
* All reagents should be stored at 2°C to 8°C for stability until the expiration date printed.
* The substrate reagent should not be used if its absorbance at 405nm is greater than 0.4.
* Reconstituted wash solution is stable until the expiration date of the kit.

Protein A ELISA 試劑盒的使用注意事項

一切干細胞實(shí)驗耗材優(yōu)惠盡在上海華雅思創(chuàng )生物

2015年統統*,--一切活動(dòng)盡在上海華雅思創(chuàng )!


StemRD   MGro-500  MSC medium,chemically-defined,間充質(zhì)干細胞培養基 500mL/瓶

LONZA   04-418Q    X-VIVO 15 無(wú)血清培養基 1L/瓶

Life Technology   087-0112DK    AIM-V® CTS™ 無(wú)血清細胞培養基(細胞治療級) 1000mL/瓶

Pall   15950-017  Ultroser Serum Substitute 血清替代品 20mL/瓶

LONZA   12-725F   UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium無(wú)血清培養基 500mL/瓶

BD 762165   PAXgene Blood RNA Tube RNA樣本收集管 100管/盒

LONZA 50150   SeaKem® Gold Agarose 金瓊脂糖粉 125g/瓶

LONZA CC-3162   EGM-2 BulletKit( CC-3156 & CC-4176 )套裝 Kit/套

Nunc 159910   175cm2易用培養瓶,PS,已滅菌,瓶蓋:過(guò)濾蓋 30個(gè)/箱

LONZA LT07-318  MycoAlert® Mycoplasma Detection Kit支原體檢測試劑盒 100Tests/盒

LONZA   LT07-418 MycoAlert® Mycoplasma Detection Kit支原體檢測試劑盒 50Tests/盒

Lonza   50-650U   Kinetic-QCL 192 Test Kit內毒素檢測試劑盒   192T/盒

Corning   431080    175cm⒉細胞培養瓶,Angled頸,透氣蓋 50個(gè)/箱

Corning   8388  125mL儲液瓶 Storage Bottles,PS,45mm瓶頸,帶蓋,滅菌,獨立包裝 24個(gè)/箱

Corning   430659    2ml凍存管, 聚丙烯,外旋蓋, 可自立圓底 500個(gè)/箱

Corning   3290     75cm2 CellBIND Surface培養瓶,已滅菌,透氣蓋 100個(gè)/箱

Corning   3292     175cm2 CellBIND Surface培養瓶,已滅菌,透氣蓋 50個(gè)/箱

BD-Falcon   352360   Cell Strainer, 100µm, Yellow 100um細胞濾網(wǎng) 50個(gè)/箱

BD Falcon 352070 50mL錐形離心管,高透明度聚丙烯,袋裝 500支/箱

BD Falcon 352096 15mL錐形離心管,高透明度聚丙烯,袋裝 500支/箱

BD BioCoat 354234   Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix(標準型) 10mL/瓶

Cygnus   F550   CHO HCP ELISA Kit,3G宿主蛋白檢測試劑盒 96T/盒

Cygnus   F410   E.coli HCP ELISA Kit 大腸桿菌 96T/盒

Nalgene  5100-0001 Cryo 1℃ Freezing Container梯度降溫凍存盒 1個(gè)/箱

Nalgene    5026-0909   CryoBoxes 凍存盒 9X9 陣列,管瓶1.2/2.0mL   24個(gè)/箱

Nalgene   2250-0130 50L 可高溫高壓操作的細口大瓶(帶手柄)   1個(gè)/箱

Nalgene   2319-0050    20L 可高溫高壓滅菌的細口大瓶(帶放水口)    1個(gè)/箱

Hyclone  SH30084.03 FBS 優(yōu)等澳洲胎牛血清 500mL/瓶

PeproTech   100-18B-500   Recombinant Human FGF-basic (154 a.a.)因子 500ug/支

Parafilm PM-996   Parafilm® M Laboratory Film 封口膜 12卷/箱



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